Stage 3 Theatre

Arts & Entertainment Information

Stage 3 Theatre

208 South Green Street
(209) 536-1778

About Stage 3 Theatre CompanyStage 3 Theatre – We Believe
Stage 3 Theatre Company was founded by Barbara Segal in 1993. From humble beginnings, fueled with belief, dreams and gumption we began performing in coffee houses and church basements.
In 1996, we partnered with the Central Sierra Arts Council and moved into our permanent home at the Arts Center at 208 S. Green St. in Sonora, California.

In 2007, we doubled our square footage, remodeled, refurbished and renewed not only our premises but ourselves and our commitment to our community. We have retained the intimacy and familiarity that only a small theater can provide while, at the same time, we have given our patrons a venue with charm, comfort and ambience that few theaters can match.
Stage 3 is still fueled by belief, dreams and gumption. We believe in a theatre that adds meaning to our lives and means something to the life of our community. A theater daring enough to make a point but accessible enough to make a difference.

And those dreams have paid dividends. The Stockton Record called Stage 3 “The best thing to happen in this region for many years.” “Stage 3 dazzles.” said the Union Democrat. “Breathtaking theater.” claims the Modesto Bee.

To quote Explore Sonora Magazine, “Take a former Cadillac and Chevrolet dealership’s repair shop, add in equal parts vision, talent, dedication, showmanship and pure panache and you get one of downtown Sonora’s true success stories, Stage 3 Theatre Company.”

Led by Artistic Director Don Bilotti and later joined by CEO Reb Silay, Stage 3 has carried its banner forward and become a potent theatrical powerhouse. “Stage 3 has become known as an ‘actor’s theater’, adds Explore Sonora “producing high-caliber dramas and top-flight comedies with considerable theatrical firepower.”

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